When our association was founded in May of 2020, and our staff began serving this community, a number was provided to the City of Menifee, 70%. That number represented the percentage of our staff that lived within our community. It represented the number of lives that were going to be changed with the new Police Department, the number of families that would have their loved ones close to home every day, and the amount of rest that would be had with long commutes being a thing of the past.
In the last three years that number has increased, more than 85% of our members either live in Menifee, or in bordering neighborhoods. We are beside you in the grocery line, coaches and spectators at local sporting events, dining with our families at a local eatery, and serving this community both on and off the clock. We truly are invested in this community, because it is our heart and home. We raise our families here, and want to strive for the best for our families and yours.
One amazing example of this comes from our very own Property Technician, Heather Rogato. She came to us with a long background of serving Oceanside Police Department, Hemet Police Department, and most recently the Menifee Unified School District. She not only is a valuable asset to her partners, but she is also a rockstar in the community.

Heather volunteers much of her free time to the Boys and Girls Club of Menifee. She can be found on the soccer and flag football fields coaching multiple age groups each season. Spending ten plus hours at work, to rush to two back to back practices, before heading home to care for her husband, children, and home. During these practices she is not only teaching fundamentals, team work, sportsmanship, and compassion, she is many times mentoring high school aged volunteers as they learn to coach alongside of Heather.
This past season Heather coached one of her soccer teams through a successful season, and through a tournament where they found themselves in a well fought battle in the championship game. She wrote, “Wow what a season! I cannot be more proud of this team. We are the only team who has never played together, and we beat the 2 seed to make it to the championship! We may have gotten second, but we came off a hard game with no rest and they did absolutely amazing!!!”
Both of her boys were just honored by the other coaches, players, and referees with the Sportsmanship award for their respective football teams, and also both being selected to play on the all-star teams for their age division. While these two young men are stand outs by their own accord, we know that it is in large due to the example that Heather is setting for them.
We want to congratulate Heather, and her teams, for all of their hard work, but we also want to express how proud we are of Heather. She goes above and beyond for the City of Menifee, both on and off the clock. We are proud to call her a partner, and neighbor. She is a perfect example of the heart and hard work that we expect of one another, and that we look for in our future partners.
We will be highlighting more members, because we find it important to show the humble work that our members put in for this community. And if you find our members working hard in our community we encourage you to share that with us, so that we can bring light to all of the little things that our members take part in.